
kinase 激酶

Any enzyme that transfers a phosphoryl (phosphate) group from ATP or other high-energy phosphates to an acceptor molecule.


MAP Kinase (MAPK) 促有絲分裂原活化蛋白激酶

Mitogen-Associated Protein Kinase

A serine-threonine protein kinase whose activity is stimulated by the action of many growth factors and other cytokines. It lies at the end of an intracellular signalling pathway and phosphorylates and activates transcription factors, resulting in changes in gene expression.


MAPK pathway (the graph from wiki)

‧phosphokinase 磷酸激酶

Enzyme that catalyses the addition of phosphoryl groups to a moelcule.


protein kinase 蛋白激酶

Enzyme that phosphorylates specific amino acid residues in a protein. Protein kinases phosphorylate either serine and threonine residues, or tyrosine residues. They are an important component of intracellular pathways that requlate enzyme activity and relay extracellular signals to the intracellular respones machinery.


phosphoprotein 磷蛋白

Protein carrying phosphoryl groups, which are added by protein kinases after the protein has been synthesized.


phosphatase 磷酸酶類

Any of a large group of widely distrbuted enzymes catalysing the hydrolysis of organic phophate esters and the transfer of a phosphate group from one compound to another. Protein phosphatases catalyse the hydrolytic removal of phosphate (phosphoryl) groups from proteins.


protein phosphatase 蛋白質磷酸酶

enzyme that removes a phosphate group from a protein, often reversing the effect of a previous phosphorylation.


phosphorylation 磷酸化作用

The addition of a phosphate (phosphoryl) group to a molecule. The enzymatic phosphorylation of proteins at specific amino acids by protein kinases is a widespread means of altering a protein's activity.



Conserved sequence preceding the startpoint of transcription in many eukaryotic genes, involved in the binding of the complex of transcription factor proteins and RNA polymerase required for initiation of transcription.


‧TATA box binding factor/protein (TBF, TBP)

Protein subunit of the transcription factor TFIID that binds to the TATA box in the promoters of many eukaryotic genes, and on which the transcription initiation complex is formed.

與很多真核生物基因的啟動子內的TATA box結合組成轉錄起始複合物的轉錄因子TFIID亞基。

histone 組織蛋白

Any one of a set of simple basic proteins (H1,H2A, H2B, H3, H4), rich in arginine and lysine, bound to DNA in eukaryote chromosomes to form nucleosomes.

一組簡單的基本蛋白質(H1,H2A, H2B, H3, H4)之一,富含精胺酸和賴胺酸,在真核細胞核染色體中與DNA結合形成核小體。



        去年諾貝爾獎頒給費雪及柯瑞伯的理由主要在表揚他們在五十年代,研究肝醣代謝之一的磷酸化酶(phosphorylase)時首先發現這種調控機轉。 早期他們共同研究肝醣磷酸化酶(phosphorylase)在細胞中是如何被磷酸化時發現,肝醣磷酸化
並不是直接被CAMP磷酸化,而是經由另一種磷酸化酶激酶(phosphorylase kinase)來完成,隨後他們又發現這種激酶的活性也受到磷酸化的調控,並終於找到了使肝醣磷酸化酶激酶活化的激酶(phosphorylase kinase kinasee),由於這種酵素的受質(substrate)範圍很廣,細胞內很多蛋白或酵素都會被它磷酸化故又稱之“CAMP dependent protein kinase”。由於此一劃時代的發現,使得蛋白質的磷酸化及去磷酸化作用已為今日生物代謝上最重要的研究主題。


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