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參考了很多 Mac Ruby 更新的文章,大部分的人還是傾向直接用 MacPorts 更新,趁著更新的同時也記錄一下更新的筆記

首先如果你的 Mac 還沒裝 MacPorts 先到官網下載 MacPorts-1.9.2.pkg

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我的 Macbook 藍芽當機今天算起來已經是第二次了


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剛剛在執行一個簡單的 Rails 範例 (base on win7),一直出現 系統遺失 sqlite3.dll ,以為是沒安裝 SQLite3 (gem install sqlite3-ruby) ,重新安裝後還是不行....

爬文之後才知道安裝完 sqlite3 不會在系統產生 sqlite3.dll 檔案

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小技巧 - 第一招

如何去除在文件中的出現的 ^M 符號
使用 tofrodos 套件

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在css中 加入下面code

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We currently have room in the lab for more graduate students. Before you apply to this lab or any other, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be realistic about graduate school. Graduate school in biology is not a sure path to success. Many students assume that they will eventually get a job just like their advisor's. However, the average professor at a research university has three students at a time for about 5 years each. So, over a career of 30 years, this professor has about 18 students. Since the total number of positions has been pretty constant, these 18 people are competing for one spot. So go to grad school assuming that you might not end up at a research university, but instead a teaching college, or a government or industry job. All of these are great jobs, but it's important to think of all this before you go to school.

Second, choose your advisor wisely. Not only does this person potentially have total control over your graduate career for five or more years, but he/she will also be writing recommendation letters for you for another 5-10 years after that. Also, your advisor will shadow you for the rest of your life. People will always think of you as so-and-so's student and assume that you two are somewhat alike. Finally, in many ways you will turn into your advisor. Advisors teach very little, but instead provide a role model. Consciously and unconsciously, you will imitate your advisor. You may find this hard to believe now, but fifteen years from now, when you find yourself lining up the tools in your lab cabinets just like your advisor did, you'll see. My student Alison once said that choosing an advisor is like choosing a spouse after one date. Find out all you can on this date.

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phosphorylation sites

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哈佛大學分子與細胞系的學生和Xvivo動畫製作公司,合作的影片-The Inner Life of the Cell

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Prayer before starting work

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安裝好win xp時,xp本身就會內建舊版的Windows Messenger 4.7,然而現在大家都用MSN Messenger 8.x 了,所以會造成兩套軟體共存的情形,如果沒有將Messenger 4.7關掉的話,系統有時會將它執行,用下面方法可以成功的移除Messenger 4.7版

在『開始』 -> 『執行』 輸入

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1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


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